
Funding is available for students attending college and vocational institutions. ONC Tribal Members are given priority. Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) Compacted Tribal Members are encouraged to apply with AVCP at

Funding amounts per semester: $2,000 full time, $1,000 part time

Funding amount for vocational training is on a case-by-case basis.

To determine eligibility for education, employment, or training services, please provide required information and documents:

  • Fully completed, signed, and dated 477 Department Services Application
  • 2 Forms of Identification: Birth Certificate, State ID, Driver License, Tribal ID or Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)
  • Educational Transcripts: High school transcripts, General Education Diploma (GED), Post-secondary transcript (if applicable)
  • Completed Individual Development Plan (IDP), included in Application packet. The IDP includes your career goals, a detailed plan of how our services will help you achieve success


Vocational School Scholarship Applications must be submitted two months prior to start date.

Higher Education Scholarships- applications must be received in the office or postmarked no later than

June 30 for Fall, January 3 for Spring, October 30 for Winter, April 30 for Summer

Education and Vocational Training Scholarship eligibility is not based on income.

Required documents:

  • Letter of Acceptance from accredited institution
  • Student Aid Report (SAR): The reply from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Use the paper application or log on to
  • Budget Forecast & Needs Analysis: most Financial Aid Offices will provide a needs form for your records. A budget forecast authorization form is included in this packet in case our office needs to obtain your budget information. Please fill top portion of the form only. The FAO will fill the rest
  • Military Service: Veterans, please provide copies of your Discharge paper work
  • Selective Service: Males 18 years of age must provide proof of filing with the Selective Service. Verification can be done online at
  • NAHASDA Housing Assistance Applicants: Provide a copy of income (examples: tax return copies, pay stub copies)

Returning Student / Continued Funding

I have already received the scholarship, what do I need to submit to the 477 Department for continued funding?

A new application submission is not required. Please send, email, or fax the 477 Department copies of your final semester grades (unofficial transcript will suffice) along with your class schedule for the following semester.

477 Department Services Application

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