Bethel Youth Yuraq at the 2018 Annual Meeting
Employment, Training and Related Services
General Assistance, Burial Assistance
We help our clients to identify and work through barriers to achieve self-sufficiency.
Mary Simon, 477 Director
Kristy Evans, Program Services Coordinator
Amy O’Brien, Program Services Coordinator
General Email: education@nativecouncil.org
If you were a recipient of higher education or AVT & received your diploma or certificate please email a copy to education@nativecouncil.org
Public Law 102-477 Department Services
- Job Placement and Training- helps to identify and remove barriers to becoming self sufficient
- Youth Employment Service (YES) – expose youth to the world of work
- Education and Training: scholarships for college or vocational training- ONC Tribal Members are given priority in this services, as funds are limited
- Child Care: at-home relative and non-relative child care, subsidized payments for child care center tuition
- Economic Development- creation of jobs, including quality child care providers
- Supported Work Services
- Case Management
- Johnson O’Malley- work with the local schools to encourage students to stay in school and to enrich the quality of their education
- Other – Job Search, Counseling, Referral
477 Department Services Application
A three year plan that outlines the way that we provide these services can be found here: ONC’s Three Year Plan
Annual Reports to the Bureau of Indian Affairs can be found here.
More information on Public Law 102-477 can be found here.
BIA Financial Assistance and Social Service Programs: available for Alaska Native and American Indians who live in Bethel:
- General Assistance– cash assistance for bills (except for phone bill), must apply on a monthly basis
- Burial Assistance– deceased must have lived in Bethel for at least 6 months (special exceptions apply)
- Emergency Assistance
ONC Burial Donation: Separate from the BIA Burial Assistance, for ONC Tribal Members only- must provide proof of ONC enrollment.
Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Bill Pay (Electric, Heating Fuel, Firewood) – regular and crisis
- Weatherization
- available for all people who reside in Bethel, regardless of race
Information on filing a Grievance with the 477 Department can be found here.