Fisheries Program

Welcome to our Fisheries Home Page!

Quyana for your support and help in achieving sustainable salmon populations for future generations!

Photo above taken by Dave Cannon, Aniak.

Current Project Involvement:

      • Aniak & Salmon River Math & Science Expedition
      • Fish Distribution Program
      • Indigenizing Salmon Science and Management Project
      • Inseason Subsistence Harvest Monitoring Program
      • Kuskokwim Chinook Salmon Age-Sex-Length Sampling Program
      • Postseason Subsistence Salmon Harvest Survey Program
      • Tree Swallow Monitoring Project
      • Youth Representative Program
      • Science and Culture Camp

Please see the other pages under our Fisheries tab for more information on some of the above listed programs!

Project Partners:

      • Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G)
      • Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program (ANSEP)
      • Kuskokwim River Intertribal Fish Commission (KRITFC)
      • Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD)
      • Office of Subsistence Management (OSM)
      • United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS)
      • University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF)
      • Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (YDNWR)

Contact Information: 
David Simeon, Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program Coordinator
Direct Line: 907-543-0523 | Cell phone: 907-545-6001
Fax: 907-543-2639 | E-mail:


Past ONC Funded Projects:

Last 5 Years of Funding

  • Partners for Fisheries Monitoring Program: 2016-2019 & 2020-2023 funded by OSM
  • Inseason Harvest Monitoring Program: 2014-2017 & 2018-2021  funded by OSM
  • BIA Tribal Youth Initiative Grant: 2019-2020
  • Indigenizing Salmon Science & Management project: 2019  
    • Project Partner: University of Alaska Fairbanks 
  • Bethel Native Corporation (BNC) Fish Camp Survey Program: 2018-2019 
    • Project Partner: BNC
  • BNC Science & Culture Camp Program Donation in 2019 
  • ONC Science & Culture Camp Program Donation in 2019
  • USFWS Educational Outreach Grant 2018 & 2019 
  • Aniak & Salmon River Math & Science Expedition
    • Project Partner: EXCEL Alaska & Kuspuk School District


Throughout the years:

  • Bethel Test Fishery. ONC involvement began in 1996 when we provided a high school intern to work as a part-time crew member, and our role eventually evolved to providing a full crew member. Funding sources have been variable and include BSFA and most recently contracts with ADFG/CF that ended in 2005. ONC secured additional cooperative funding in 2008 and provided a full time college fisheries technician on this project for the full 2008 season.
  • Kogrukluk River Weir Technician. Variable funding sources including BSFA and most recently contracts with ADFG/CF that ended in 2006. Project was operated by ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division; ONC involvement began approximately in 2002 when we provided a crew member during the field season. 
  • Bethel Sonar Project Technician. Variable funding sources including Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs and OSM. Project operated by ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division; ONC involvement began approximately in 2002 when we provided a crew member during the field season. 
  • Bethel Area Salmon Subsistence Survey, 1999. (Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs; ONC total = approx. $34 K) cooperatively operated with ADF&G Subsistence Division (primary investigator).
  • Bethel Inseason Subsistence Harvest Data. (FIS #0-008; ONC total = approx $15 K), cooperatively operated with ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division and Subsistence Division (co-primary investigators).
  • Bethel Postseason Harvest Monitoring. (FIS #0-009; ONC total = approx $18 K), cooperatively operated with ADF&G Subsistence Division (primary investigator).
  • Kuskokwim River Sonar Project Technician...(FIS #01-086; ONC total = approx $42 K), cooperatively operated with the ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division (primary investigator).
  • Bethel Area Inseason Subsistence Salmon Harvest Data Collection. (FIS #01-132; ONC total = $115 K), FRMP project cooperatively operated with ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division and Subsistence Division (co-primary investigators).
  • Bethel Area Postseason Subsistence Salmon Harvest Household Surveys. (FIS #01-024; ONC total = approx. $96 K), FRMP project cooperatively operated with ADF&G Subsistence Division (primary investigator).
  • Bethel Area In-season Subsistence Salmon Harvest Data Collection. (FIS #04-353; ONC total = approx $55 K), was cooperatively funded and operated with ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division and Subsistence Division.
  • Kuskokwim River Inseason Subsistence Salmon Harvest Data Collection Continuation. (FIS#05-354; ONC 2006 total $46K) FRMP project cooperatively operated with ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division (primary investigator).
  • Kuskokwim River Salmon Inseason Subsistence Catch Monitoring. (FIS#06-306; ONC 2006 total $24K) FRMP project cooperatively operated with ADFG Commercial Fisheries Division (co-investigator).
  • Kuskokwim Area Postseason Subsistence Salmon Harvest Surveys, 2005-2007. (FIS#05-356; ONC 2006 total = $24K) FRMP project cooperatively operated with ADF&G Subsistence Division (primary investigator).

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