Department of Defense (DoD) activities, including weapons testing, practice bombing, and field maneuvers, have impacted Native American lands nationwide. DoD initiated the Native American Lands Environmental Mitigation Program to address these environmental impacts. Most impacts from past DoD activities are addressed through the Formerly Used Defense Sites Program, administered by the United State Army Corps of Engineers. The Formerly Used Defense Sites Program reduces, in a timely, cost-effective manner, risks to human health, safety, and the environment resulting from past DoD activities. Many Indian land sites are in the Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) inventory of projects but are not scheduled to be addressed for an extended period of time. Because of this situation, Congress has expressed concern and has directed special funding to address impacts of significance to the tribes.

DoD created NALEMP to address environmental impacts on Indian lands from former DoD activities with maximum tribal participation, through Government-to-Government consultation. NALEMP helps address impacts left behind from abandoned military sites which may include:
• Hazardous Materials
• Munitions Debris
• Unsafe Buildings or Structures
• Lead-based Paint or Asbestos
• Abandoned Equipment

ONC’s NALEMP Program currently has a Cooperative Agreement with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, active through September 2023. Through this Cooperative Agreement, we will remove wood pilings, Quonset hut frames, drums, and other debris from selected areas of the Former Bethel Airport (FUDS No. F10AK0514), located on an island across the Kuskokwim River from Bethel. In previous Cooperative Agreements, our NALEMP Program has conducted debris removal activities at the former Bethel Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) Site (aka “BIA”), along with at the Former Bethel Airport. Both sites are now owned by Bethel Native Corporation.

Contact Information:
Kylie Ford, NALEMP Project Manager and Tribal Liaison
Direct Line: 907-543-0200 | E-mail:

Former Bethel Airport


Old Bethel Airport (Jack Todd Army Air Field) – Before


2016 Old Airport Island – Now

Bethel Aircraft Control and Warning (AC&W) Site (aka “BIA”)

Image result for White alice Bethel

Bethel BIA Headquarter Buildings: This portion of the site is owned and administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. It is considered a hazardous/contaminated site.
Questions should be directed to the Refuge office in Bethel at (907) 543-3151.

Image result for white alice bethel

BIA Winter 2014


BIA Wide View, 2016

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