The goal of the Indigenizing Salmon Management project is to use a deeply participatory approach to document the breadth and depth of Indigenous values, knowledge, management and governance systems connected to salmon across Alaska and to use this wisdom to improve the current salmon management systems in Alaska.
- Explore and document Indigenous values, knowledge, management, and governance mechanisms pertaining to salmon in regions across Alaska.
- Document historical and contemporary examples of displacement and endurance of Indigenous salmon management and governance systems in Alaska.
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of our current salmon management system from Indigenous experiences and perspectives in regions across Alaska.
- Document historical and contemporary examples of inequities stemming from salmon management system from Indigenous perspectives and experiences.
- Determine how Indigenous values, knowledge, management, and governance mechanisms can be better included into current management systems.
Project Team
Janessa Esquible, PhD Student, Orutsararmiut Native Council – jesquible@nativecouncil.org
Jonathan Samuelson, Kuskokwim Corporation – jonathan@kritfc.org
Dr. Jessica Black, University of Alaska Fairbanks – jcblack@alaska.edu
Dr. Courtney Carothers, University of Alaska Fairbanks – clcarothers@alaska.edu
Dr. Rachel Donkersloot, Alaska Marine Conservation Council – rachel@akmarine.org
Dr. Liza Mack, Aleut International Association liza.mack@aleut-international.org
AlexAnna Salmon, MA Student, University of Alaska Fairbanks – asalmon2@alaska.edu
Danielle Ringer, Research Associate, University of Alaska Fairbanks – djringer@alaska.edu
Brooke Woods, University of Alaska Fairbanks – blwoods@alaska.edu