List of Brownfield Sites that were Completed Cleanups
Site Name | Description
ADOT&PF Bethel Maintenance Facility, Airport | Diesel 14,000 mg/Kg, Gasoline 1,800mg/Kg, 0.15 mg/Kg for Benzene, 94.2 mg/Kg total for Benzen, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes, Leaking Underground Storage Tank Petroleum
ADOT&PF MarkAir-Bethel | Gasoline & Ground water contamination, October 25, 2002
AKARNG Bethel Old AAOF, Airport Road | 2,600 mg/kg DRO, 5,700 mg/kg TPH, January 30, 1998
AKARNG Bethel New AAOF, Airport Road | 38 gallons Jet A Fuel, November 18, 2005
Alaska Commercial Co.-Bethel, Store & Marina | 1,000 gallons Diesel, October 30, 1992
Arctic Circle Air Services-1994, Airport | Leaking Underground Storage Tank Petroleum, August 24th, 1994
Arctic Circle Air Services-2001, Airport | 2,000 gallon AV Gas Leaking Underground Storage Tank
AT&T Alascom Bethel Earth Station, 265 Main Street | Diesel 6,300 ppm, Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, December 29, 1997
Bank Stabilization Project | Contaminated Soil, May 10th, 1995
Bethel BIA Headquarters, 4 miles West | Petroleum & PCB, June 15, 1991
Bethel BIA Spill- White Alice Tank | 100,000 gallons Diesel, April 15th, 1993
Bethel Dump | Oil Drums Leaking, Petroleum contamination
Bethel Fuel Sales, Standard Oil Road | Petroleum Hydrocarbon
Bethel Fuel Sales Pumphouse | Diesel Spill, May 5th, 1993
Bethel Public Works Yard, Ridgecrest Drive | Gasoline, Leaking Underground Storage Tank Petroleum, February 6th, 1993
Camai Air- Bethel, Airport Bldg 3594 | 1,500 gallon AV Gas Underground Leaking Storage Tank, July 15th, 1998
DOC Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center, 1000 St.Hwy | 2,000 gallon Diesel Underground Storage Tank, October 20, 1999
D & G Express, 3340 Airport Rd | Gasoline Range Organics 1388 ppm, Diesel Range Organics 9350 ppm, Petroleum Hydrocarbons 43,000 ppm. February 12, 1996
ERA Aviation Bethel Airport Fac., Lot 2B, Block 4 | Diesel & Gasoline, August 5, 1997
FAA Bethel Flight Service Station, Building 300 | Petroleum Hydrocarbon
FAA Bethel Station Tank Farm | 200 gal. Gasoline Spill, January 14, 1993
FAA Bethel Station | Gasoline, Diesel Solvents, PCBs, Pesticides, and Metals. December 4th, 1992
IHS YK Delta Reg. Hospital Bethel, Airport Road | Gasoline & Diesel range petroleum hydrocarbons
IHS YK Delta Regional Hospital Bldg. 600, Airport Road | 150 gallon Diesel, December 14, 1996
Knik Construction, 1171 1st Ave | 3 gal. Lube Oil Spill
Kuskokwim Inn/Long House Bethel Inn, 751 3rd Ave | 1,000 Diesel, July 21-22, 1999
Owl Street Residence, 344 Owl Street | Diesel Spill
Public Health Service Hospital-Bethel, Old Hospital Rd. | Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, Petroleum, May 16, 1992
Robair Repair- Bethel Airport, 3241 N.Ramp | Leaking Underground Storage Tank, Petroleum, October 7th, 1993
USFWS-Bethel Airport, Tank #1, Airport | AV Gas Leaking Underground Storage Release Petroleum, July 30, 1999
USFWS-Yukon Delta NWR Headquarters, Wildlife Lane | Petroleum, Leaking Underground Storage Tank November 14, 1993
Yute Air Bankruptcy Properties, Fisher Hanger Lot 4 Block 11 | AV Gas & Heating Oil Leaking Underground Storage Tank Petroleum, May 28, 2002
For more detailed information about Bethel Area Sites or other sites across the State of Alaska, please visit the Division of Spill Prevention and Response: Contaminated Sites Search