Bethel Brownfields Inventory Contaminated & Potential Contaminated Sites

These are sites have been declared contaminated and sites that are potential sites of contamination:

  • Ayaprun Elitnaurvik AKA “Old Kilbuck School”, Currently Open, Staged
    1010 4th Ave
    The school had a major fire that destroyed more than 3/4 of the facility. The building was demolished with 1/4 of it remaining, which consists of the lower wing classes and cafeteria. Since then the site has been cleaned up and organized. Confirmed Spring 2017. The sections of debris are currently awaiting transfer to a waste facility and are staged in the parking lot of the Old Armory and inside the fense. The City of Bethel own this land property, LKSD was renting it from the City.
  • Hangar Lake Rd- Dumpsite, Active- Assessment Process
    A SPIP was conducted at this site through NALEMP funds and contracted Bristol Environmental summer 2017. Upon findings of fuel and oil drums that had military identification ownership of U.S. Air force. These sites were included in the SPIP and will be addressed accordingly to importance of clean up. The Council of ONC will decide which site are going to be prioritized in order to address NALEMP clean up through cooperative agreements.
  • BNC Land across from Faulkner land, Active- Assessment Process
    A SPIP was conducted at this site through NALEMP funds and contracted Bristol Environmental summer 2017. Upon arrival the mining of soil had uprooted a mass amount of debris, which was known formally as the “military dumpsite”. There were recovered old machinery, oil drums, fuel tanks, tools, chemical containers that were improperly disposed of, etc. These findings are noted in the SPIP and will be addressed accordingly to importance of clean up. The Council of ONC will decide which site are going to be prioritized in order to address NALEMP clean up through cooperative agreements.

  • BNC Land adjacent to Myers Farm, Active- Assessment Process
    A SPIP was conducted at this site through NALEMP funds and contracted Bristol Environmental summer 2017. Upon imprints of old machinery were embedded into the soil. No evidence of disturbance appeared to be implemented on this site. It appeared to be created with in the year. Only sign of change was the growth in trees and some grass. In the middle of the land, it appears to be undisturbed with imprints of the trucks tire marks still engraved into the soil. This became a unusual findings based on weather conditions, characteristics of soil, and perfect condition of imprints were still engraved over the past 30 years. These findings are noted in the SPIP and will be addressed accordingly to importance of clean up. The Council of ONC will decide which site are going to be prioritized in order to address NALEMP clean up through cooperative agreements.
  • BIA Headquarters,  Currently Open Active- Assessment Process
    DEC approved the Final Work Plan, Remedial Investigation and Limited Removal at the Bethel Airport and Bethel BIA Headquarters, Bethel, Alaska as of April 1, 2015. SPIP was conducted by Bristol Environmental. Site will begin clean up Summer 2018 to remove 500 cubic yards of debris.
  • Steamboat Slough, Currently Open Active- Have to wait till ownership of barge has been declared abandoned, prior to moving forward.
    The “Shanks Ark” had detached from the bank and sunk in the middle of Steamboat Slough. The barge still remains in the middle sinking more into the silty mud. The site is currently being monitored by Coast Guard for compliance of proper markings and notification of the sunken vessel. Ownership of the barge is currently in court between Ausdauhl and DNR. Upon giving up the rights and ownership of the barge, the barge will be removed. Until then it is on Ausdauhl at their expense to remove the barge from the water. 
  • Bethel Airport (Former) AKA “Old Airport”, Currently Open, February 15, 1989, Active- Assessment Process
    Across River, SE from Bethel
    2,000- 55 gallon drums of liquid asphalt left 1942 by US Army, 156 have been identified and reported by ONC. DEC Approved the Final Work Plan, Remedial Investigation and Limited Removal at the Bethel Airport as of April 1, 2015. FAA has been in process of conducting clean up SPIP and will be taking charge of clean up. Site assessments were conducted summer 2017. For sites on BNC lands near Napaskiak slough, a SPIP was conducted by Bristol Environmental. Site will begin clean up Winter 2017/2018 to remove 500 cubic yards of debris.
  • FAA Bethel Fight Station Tank Farm, Currently Open, June 6, 2000, Active- Assessment Process
    Building 300 and 302
    Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Leaking Storage Tanks.
  • Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Power Plant Formerly known as “BUC”, Process of being closed , May 14, 1995
    1340 Kwethluk Lane
    Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Trichloroethylene, Groundwater contamination, Above Ground Storage Tanks, Lubrication Oil Tanks, Hydraulic Oil Stains. May 9, 2012 Action was taken to find contaminated soil and groundwater remains: The Waste Oil Storage Area has TPH at 2 feet bgs at concentrations of 574 ppm to 3,630 ppm, and EPH at 2 feet bgs at a concentration of 275 ppm, based on a composite soil sample. The Interior of the Quonset Hut has TPH at 2 feet bgs at 3,120 ppm, at 4 feet bgs at 3,970 ppm, and at 6 feet bgs at 8,470 ppm. The Bulk Fuel and Lube Oil Location has TPH at 2 feet bgs at 537 pm and at 8 feet bgs at 1,480 ppm. Contaminated groundwater was found in the Bulk Fuel and Lube Oil Location with Trichloroethylene being detected at 0.105 ppm in the groundwater. Ownership of plant was purchased by AVEC from BUC. Upon agreement the land was to be cleaned up by BUC prior to purchase.
  • Bethel Radio Relay Station, Currently Open, June 24, 1989, Staged
    5 Miles West of Bethel
    Petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater that is surrounded by wetlands. As of August 29,2014 ADEC reviewed 2014 final long-term monitoring work plan for site SS001 and submitted approval for the Air Force. Planned activities also include inspecting the landfill cap, perimeter exclusion fencing, and the installation of warning/no trespassing signs. Still under supervision of the State.
  • AKARNG Bethel OMS AKA “Old Armory”, Currently Open, Staged
    470 4th Ave, near Ayaprun Elitnaurvik “Old Kilbuck School”
    Petroleum contamination in soil. DRO, Diesel reported at 570 and 800 mg/Kg. As of August 8, 2015, Staff approved a remedial action plan this date. The document was titled Final Remedial Action Plan, and was prepared by Brice Environmental Services Corporation, dated September 2, 2015. City of Bethel own the land.
  • Bethel Power Products, Currently Open
    262 3rd Ave
    DEC Hazard ID# 23356
    File ID# 2407.26.003
    This property is owned by Falkner Walsh, Harry Faulkner. It is being used as long term storage “Junk yard”.
  • Northstar Gas Company, Currently Open, August 21st, 1993
    1170 Bridge Street
    Removal of 2- 2,300 gallon Underground Storage Tanks associated with underground piping (Leaking Gasoline). Gasoline, Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes were identified on property. Evacuation of contaminated soil was not performed due to the property line. There still remains an evident sheen in the water behind the tanks on neighbors private property that was leaked into there from Northstar Gas Company.
  • Crowley Tank Farm, Currently Open, August 8, 2013
    380 Standard Oil Road
    Approximately 2,100 gallons of Diesel fuel were discharged from tank #18 at Crowley South Tank Farm. As of August 17, 2015 Report or Workplan Review was conducted. All other soil and ground water results from the soil boring and monitoring wells were below applicable ADEC cleanup levels.
  • DHSS Bethel Youth Facility UST #1, Currently Open, June 16, 2015
    950 State HWY
    2,000 Gallon Diesel Spill, Gasoline, Benzene, Ethylbenzene, Toulene, and 2-methylnaphthalene were above ADEC cleanup levels. Leaking Underground Storage Tank Release Petroleum Confirmed. This site has had remodeling done to the property 2015-2017. The site does not appear to be smelling of diesel and normal traffic on site has resumed.

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