November Regular Council Meeting
November 3, 2021 @ 3:00PM
ONC Main Conference Room
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Invocation
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Meeting Minutes
- October regular meeting minutes (forth coming)
- Tribal Consultation meeting minutes
- Special Meeting minutes
- People to be Heard
- YKHC Reps
- Maile Tavepholijalern
- AVCP Reps
- Courtney Pegus
- Reports
- Executive Director Zack Brink
- Finance Report Alexandra Werba
- CARES/ARP Report Zack Brink
- Old Business
- BNC-Tribal Broadband
- BNC Rental property
- New Business
- Alcohol License
- AFN Delegate
- Other:
- Executive Session
- Date of Next Meeting
- Adjournment
- Call in information
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